KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN NASIONAL POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDIA KREATIF PROGRAM STUDI PENERBITAN & FOTOGRAFI UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER (UAS) GANJIL TAHUN AKADEMIK 2022/2023 Mata Kuliah : B.Inggris Komunikasi ESP for Photography Tingkat/Semester/Kelas : II/3/A, B, C Dosen : Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd. Hari/Tanggal Waktu Tahun Akademik : : : Rabu, 11-01-2021 10.00 – 11 .30 WIB 2022/2023 Bobot Kredit : 3 SKS Sifat Ujian : Open References (ESP for Vocational Learners) Soal: Instruction: Explain your pragmatic experience in the use of PBLL approach for publishing studies using the basic skill of reading, writing, listening, speaking within the learning steps from Prewriting, Drafting, Revising Editing, Layouting, Marketing, Delivering. Student’s Identity Name : Alif ahmad nayaka. s Study Program : 2A Photography / 2291471007 Project Title : 1 PRE-WRITING (Think and plan the Project) Prewriting is the first stage of the wri...